I Am Strong

Some of you may know about the Birth Without Fear “I Am Strong” project. Here is my entry:

I am strong because I became pregnant even though I have polycystic ovarian syndrome

I am strong because I had an unplanned pregnancy

I am strong because I explained to my family why I was pro-life

I am strong because I left college to be a mother

I am strong because I moved across the country at 34 weeks pregnant

I am strong because though we are not married, we worked to be a family

I am strong because I tried hard for a natural childbirth

I am strong because I knew when I needed help and let go of my birth plan

I am strong because I endured two epidurals, antibiotics, and pitocin.

I am strong because I still delivered vaginally

I am strong because we moved 3 times in 6 months

I am strong because we chose to live near my family, and I have a beautiful, healthy, strong baby girl.

Most of all, I am strong because of God, and the amazing blessings he has bestowed on us.